Ramus 2.1 link types

To provide interactivity, Ramus hijacks most links for its own use. To link between fragments, simply use a hash sign and its ID.

There are several kinds of links, set apart by custom values of the rel attribute:

Append links are the default, and simply append the destination fragment to the transcript:

<a href="#history">old-style Ramus</a>

Continue links work the same way, except they first disable all the remaining links in the transcript, forcing a decision from the reader/player:

<a rel="continue" href="#chapter2">Chapter 2</a>

Clear links delete the entire transcript so far instead, starting over visually as well:

<a rel="clear" href="#chapter2">Chapter 2</a>

Reset links also clear the score, move counter and visit history:

<a rel="reset" href="#chapter2">Start over</a>

(As of version 2.2, reset links don't clear variables set by the scripting language.)

Last but not least, external links point to other pages, so Ramus leaves them alone; adding target="_blank" is up to the author:

<a rel="external" href="http://author.com/">Homepage</a>

Unlike the others, external links are actually part of the standard HTML link types.