No Time To Play
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Weekly Links #133

Hello, everyone. Not one week ago word got around the Web that old issues of their magazine were on the Internet Archive, and Nintendo promptly took them down. At least they have the decency to admit they're just being control freaks, rather than pretending it's somehow still about money. Oh well.

While on the topic of magazines, SPAG #64 is out is out -- a very high-brow issue that's about much more than just interactive fiction. So is Jason Dyer's history of the original Adventure: an excellent illustration of why the public domain is as important in gaming as in any other artistic medium. Having recently reimplemented a public domain game myself (for my upcoming book), I can't stress this enough.

Last but not least, over at Rock, Paper Shotgun Emily Short writes about the power of text as a medium. Knowing how little and poorly we make use of this power in most games (heck, most books), I welcome more discussion on this topic. Or preferably, more experimentation.

Thankfully, that's happening aplenty. Stay tuned.