Lurking in darkness, eyeing games.

Launched in 2010 as a game development blog documenting the explorations of two friends, No Time To Play has grown into a large set of resources for hobbyist creators, in several places online. It went through wrenching changes in late 2017, then again in early 2024 (something something seven times seven). Regular updates were posted from the start of 2014 through the end of 2023. The future is uncertain, but I want to keep it online for as long as I can.

By the way, since about 2019, this site has been the work of one person, and this person needs help.

Support this site

If you like this website and would like to help keep it online, the costs are:

By pure coincidence, that adds up to 90€ a year. Any amount you can donate via Ko-fi would be much appreciated. (That's also where you can see the current status, and get updates.)

Alternatively, you can buy the book, the other book, or the guide.